…each with different formulations of the same active ingredient can provide a complete bird-repellent solution for your pest bird challenges.
The BirdHazer devices diffuse smaller than 1 micron-sized particles of EcoBird 4.0 Bird Repellent Fluid and require service at regular intervals that are programmable to disperse the repellent inside semi-enclosed outdoor airspaces for varying amounts of time, during varying times of the day and week. Some examples of these spaces are commercial outdoor dining areas, balconies, porches, terraces, greenhouses, boat docks, and warehouse loading docks where flocking pest birds can congregate causing damage and health/safety concerns due to their droppings and aggressive feeding behaviors.
The EcoBird 14.5 water-soluble Bird Repellent Concentrate can be sprayed using any common sprayer device in and around the surrounding areas (bushes, planters, trees, and other hardscape surfaces) to complement the BirdHazer device(s). This is intended to help drive the pest birds away from otherwise “safe” places where they perch before entering the more enclosed spaces where the BirdHazer devices operate. Both working together can also aid in the prevention of their possible entry into the more vulnerable interior spaces. EcoBird 14.5 spray has many other uses in agriculture and around structures to help repel pest birds.
Additionally, you can treat the more persistent pest birds inside all these spaces with our EcoBird 14.5 Spray Can that shoots a stream of a ready-to-use, water-based, bird-repellent approximately 20 feet like a can of wasp spray. It can also be used as a “bird-mace” to defend against attacking pest birds exhibiting nest defense and other aggressive behaviors.
Always refer to Product Labels for use restrictions and additional information or reach out with any questions.